The Large Bag of Pennies.

The Large Bag of Pennies.


Maybell was busy painting the flowers in the area assigned to her. Maybell her left foot caught on to something that was half hidden in the ground, clearing around the object she found a sack, the sack was heavy and it took all of her strength to get it out of the ground. On opening the sack much to her delight and surprise the sack was full of pennies. Now a penny if not really mush money but Maybell decided that this sack was full of lucky pennies.


Later when she had finished painting her flowers she took the sack of lucky pennies with her. She made her way to the Old Oak Tree. Soon most of the Fairies were at the old oak tree, not ordinary pennies but lucky pennies. Now this was something that the Fairies all were curious as to what Maybell had in the old sack that she had between her feet. Maybell waited until the interest was at its greatest and then opening her sack she told of her finding this sack of pennies. Not ordinary Pennies no lucky pennies. All wanted one of the pennies Maybell gave each Fairy one of her lucky pennies. Happy with their lucky pennies all went off to do what fairies always do when they are not working they went off to play.


Later Fairy after Fairy came back to Maybell many of them threw the penny that they had been given at Maybell keep you old penny it is not at all lucky you have held us all for silly fools we do not want anything more to do with you and Off they ran. Poor Maybell did not know what to do she had really though that the pennies were lucky after all she was lucky enough to find them, they just must be lucky.


Everywhere that the Fairies had thrown a lucky penny a most beautiful flower grew. Now Maybell was not at all unhappy she asked some robins to spread the news that each thrown away penny had produced a most beautiful flower and all of these lovely flowers belonged to Maybell. It did not take long and the Fairies were back to see the most beautiful flowers that their thrown away pennies had produced. What none of the Fairies knew was that Her Majesty Queen Feeanna had seen what Maybell had done with the found pennies. It was nice of her not to have even kept one of the so-called lucky pennies for herself. She had also seen the Fairies return with the pennies that they threw at poor Maybell. It was Her Majesty with her Magic wand that turned each penny into a lovely flower.


I myself heard this entire story from the Wise Old Owl that is why I, your scribbler have written it down so that you may too hear of the ingratitude of the Fairies. How would you have corrected them and I do not mean punishment that what Her Majesty done pleased me because of the new sort of flowers that now grow everywhere on our earth. Bern

Author's Notes/Comments: 

One for your Inian Children bishu to take their minds off of the heat. I hope that you soon get the much awaited rain. Bern

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