
I'm a moron

A dumbass idiot

I failed every class

And I never gave a shit

My parents yelled at me

Called me dumb

they even called me stupid

Feels like they've beaten me like a drum

I failed almost everything


Oh dont think thats all

Also math and science

I feel retarded

Like I can't do things for myself

I keep hearing the words of my parents

Saying that I need help

They keep talking about me

Even though i'm right there

But they dont notice me

They dont even care

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I apologize if the tital of this one offended anyone.

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abbie's picture

yeah i know exactly how you feel. im a dumbass too and my parents say all the same shit.

Alexandra Reeves's picture

Paulie!!!You are not dumb!Don't believe that.That is bringing your self esteem down.Don't listen to them.School is hard.Just get a tutor or something.It's not that bad.Don't make me feel sad.
